Fresh Start for Spring

Happy March, it's almost Spring! I absolutely love this time of year. That's not to say I don't love the other seasons, because I obviously have an unhealthy obsession with both Autumn and the Holiday Season… However, I love Spring because it is in a sense a fresh start. The flowers bloom, the weather warms up, and everything seems both brighter and happier. During the cold winter months people bundle up and stay inside whereas during Spring people start to get out more; it's as if the community blooms again with the flowers in the Spring.Lilly Pulitzer Agenda Spring MarchSomething that I tend to do a lot is make lists, it brings me a sense of productivity even though sometimes I need to put the same item on multiple lists because they take longer than I had planned to accomplish, but that's okay. I have decided to focus on a few things I hope to work on during the Spring time and continue to do so as time goes on.Take Risks // I mentioned this as a New Year's resolution but I honestly think I need to remind myself of it. I have a lot going on in my mind, a lot of things I wish I could say or do. I would like to put all of this to use by acting on my impulses. I need to speak up, speak my mind, and let what I have to say be heard (or read, in the blogging sense). I also hope to try new things and engage in new experiences as I am still in a transitional period of life.Get Up and Get Out // My current job is similar to an office job, where I sit for about 8 hours a day. I work in a small  coworking space so there isn't much room for me to get up and walk around unless I want to pace back and forth, which trust me I have definitely thought about. I am regularly in FitBit challenges with my friends and I always lose because I don't move enough- slightly embarrassing. I hope that with the warm weather starting up again, I can wake up early and go for a walk or just generally walk more throughout my day.Practice Mindfulness // Being in the moment and fully aware is something I find hard to do. I hope that by doing so I can be less stressed, more relaxed, and more in the moment rather than worrying about the past or the future. With the season changing and warmth exuding everywhere, I feel like mindfulness is something that I can attain in the months to come.I know that March 1st isn't technically the start of Spring but in my mind I am already in Spring mode. I have filed taxes and voted for the first time ever- so adult, but also a sign of Spring! I have bought new books, done a closet clean out, and begun my Spring cleaning. The sense that I have a chance at a fresh start makes me feel invigorated. Although the New Year feels like it just started yesterday, during this time I have been stressed, busy, and all over the place. This fresh start feeling is exactly what I needed, and with these three 'goals' in mind I am ready to take it on.

Emily Riane



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