Virginia Vacation

As I often talk about, I work a lot, and my weekends are typically my only time to have nothing to worry about. Since starting my new job, I haven't used any of my vacation time, so when I was invited to a wedding in Virginia, I took an entire week off from work. Why? Because I can. Even though the wedding was on a Saturday, I didn't return until the following Monday because I had a Virginia Vacation.The real reason I even went to Virginia was because my friend Alyssa was getting married to the love of her life, Andy. I don't want to write too much about these two, but essentially they are one of my favorite couples. I love them together so much that the second Alyssa walked down the aisle toward Andy, I cried because of how beautiful she looked. They are so genuinely happy and in love, I am so honored that they invited me to celebrate such a special day with them.After the wedding weekend, Jack and I went to Roanoke to stay with friends, Caroline and Rob. Those two recently got engaged and I am beyond excited to celebrate another marriage of my friends! These two are another one of my favorite couples, so spending the week with them was so much fun! Just hanging out with them, having dinner, drinking, laughing and having a good time, are all things I miss when I'm 13 hours away.During my time in Virginia I also showed Jack my campus, went on a hike with my little Kathleen, had dinner with my big Stephanie, and spent time with some of my other friends both at the wedding and during my time in Roanoke. An amazing part of my week was actually that my friend Nicole surprised me, though I semi-ruined the surprise because she thought I would leave before she got there! I am so glad I got to see her though and I'm so glad I had an entire week to spend with all of these wonderful people!The end of the week was actually my one year anniversary with Jack. I'm very happy that we spent our anniversary as we did, on a road trip, visiting his college and a couple of his friends, and just being together.Overall, this vacation was exactly what I needed. Although I definitely already miss everyone, I'm extraordinarily happy that I got to see a lot of my favorite people within one week's time. I definitely hope to see them again soon. For now, I have these pictures of my Virginia Vacation adventures!IMG_0616IMG_0752IMG_0674IMG_0744IMG_0722IMG_0652IMG_0707IMG_0610IMG_0608IMG_0508IMG_0485IMG_0471IMG_0398Our road trip had some great views 

Emily Riane


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